Reading presents.. RAWing with Alan Lawrence Sitomer answering the five questions of doom Tell me how you got started writing, in particular writing for teens. Why did you focus on writing books with an […] presents.. RAWING with Kelly Milner Halls  answering the five questions of doom 1.      Start by telling us a little bit about your background in the youth book world.  How did […] presents.. RAWing with Geoff Herbach answering the five questions of doom You’ve written for the adult audience, but of late, you seem to be focusing on YA lit. Tell me […] presents.. RAWing with RoseMary Honnold answering the five questions of doom. <Visit the VOYA and Teacher Librarian booth #204 in the Exhibit Hall at the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco!> 1.      Tell […]

RAWing with Greg Neri answering the five questions of doom 1.      So you’ve written graphic novels, picture books, and middle grade fiction.  Tell me how you got started writing, in […]

Hectic week, so just two previous interviews with sources outside of the usual suspects and a blog of students reading my books From  Institute of Applied Juvenile Justice Services […]

RAWing with Stephanie Perry Moore  Tell me how you got started writing, in particular writing for teens. I know you’ve published also for children and adults, but what is it […]